Evo & Devo

In the Light of Evolution

Billions of years of evolution have given rise to a vast array of unique characteristics, such as remarkable regenerative potential, tolerance to extreme conditions, and exceptional longevity. With the advent of massive genome sequencing across the evolutionary tree, we are now able to pinpoint the specific genetic changes that underlie these distinctive evolutionary traits. We seek to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms governing these distinctive traits for the inspiration of fundamental biology and bioengineering. 

Genetic basis of tail-loss evolution in humans and apes

The loss of the tail is one of the main anatomical evolutionary changes to have occurred along the lineage leading to humans and the “anthropomorphous apes”. This morphological reprogramming in the ancestral hominoids has been long considered to have accommodated a characteristic style of locomotion and contributed to the evolution of bipedalism in humans. Yet, the genetic mechanism that facilitated tail-loss evolution in hominoids remains unknown. We recently presented evidence that tail-loss evolution was mediated by the insertion of an Alu element into the genome of the hominoid ancestor. This study opens doors to many more exciting questions to study:

Widespread transcriptional scanning in the testis modulates gene evolution rates

The testis expresses the largest number of genes of any mammalian organ, a finding that has long puzzled molecular biologists. We recently presented evidence that this widespread transcription maintains DNA sequence integrity in the male germline by correcting DNA damage through a mechanism we term transcriptional scanning. We find that genes expressed during spermatogenesis display lower mutation rates on the transcribed strand and have low diversity in the population. Moreover, this effect is fine-tuned by the level of gene expression during spermatogenesis. The unexpressed genes, which in our model do not benefit from transcriptional scanning, diverge faster over evolutionary time scales and are enriched for sensory and immune-defense functions. Collectively, we propose that transcriptional scanning shapes germline mutation signatures and modulates mutation rates in a gene-specific manner, maintaining sequence integrity for the bulk of genes but allowing for faster evolution in a specific subset.